By Stu Piddington
When it comes to sport Pleasant Point Primary School girls and boys are proving hard to beat.
The size of their roll (290) doesn't seem to matter when they get on the sports fields against the bigger schools around the region.
For the second year running Pleasant Point's Year 5 and 6 rippa rugby team is heading to the national tournament in Wellington to represent Mid South Canterbury and North Otago.
[Pleasant Point Primary girls' cricket team is set to play in the regional final. (From left) Mick Geary (coach), Tori Gilmour, Shaketta Anderson, Kinsley Hawkins, Olivia Dew, Phoebe Geary, Eve Hyslop, Katy Snuggs, Annabelle Cairns, Izzy Sharp and Abi Hyslop. Photo: John Bisset Fairfax/NZ]
John Bisset
Pleasant Point Primary girls' cricket team is set to play in the regional final. (From left) Mick Geary (coach), Tori Gilmour, Shaketta Anderson, Kinsley Hawkins, Olivia Dew, Phoebe Geary, Eve Hyslop, Katy Snuggs, Annabelle Cairns, Izzy Sharp and Abi Hyslop. Photo: John Bisset Fairfax/NZ
Their senior girls cricket team will represent the same region when they face Tai Tapu School at the Ashburton Domain on Wednesday as part of a national knock-out competition.
Principal Mark Creba said it was fantastic achievement and was delighted for the girls' and boys.
"It is down to their hard work and the great support they have got from their coaches."